OREC Reports
Resources and Reports (visit this page for access to DOE CX technical papers and supports, pilot licenses, BOEM EA and OREC Roadmap
See OREC Papers
Legislative Resources
American Recovery & Reinvestment Act, aka “Stimulus Bill” (final 2/09)
American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (ACES) (H.R. 2454) and add date (May 15, 2009). Provisions relevant to marine renewables highlighted.
DOE Business/Industry Announcement (04/28/2009)
DOE Lab Call Announcement (04/28/2009)
Mark Up of Senate Stimulus Bill (01/27/2009)
Senate Stimulus Bill (01/23/2009)
Proposed House Provisions for Tax Stimulus Package (01/19/09) Section 1602 contains provisions relevant to Renewable Energy
Explanation of the Tax Provisions in the House stimulus bill released by Joint Tax Committee (01/21/09)
Revenue estimates re: Tax provisions in House Stimulus Bill (01/21/09)
Regulatory Orders – FERC and MMS
Memorandum of Understanding (April 9, 2009)
Court Rulings
Delaware Natural Resources v. FERC, (March 13, 2009) (finding that Department of Natural Resources lacks standing to challenge conditioned license because no aggrievement where construction has not yet been authorized)
FERC White Paper on Hydrokinetic Pilot Licenses
FERC Policy on Conditioned Licenses for Marine Renewables
FERC Assertion of Jurisdiction on OCS (broad assertion)(10/2008)
FERC Comments, MMS NOPR on Alternative Energy, OCS (8/2008)
Finavera Makah License, Order on Rehearing (March 2008)
FERC Conditional License Policy (11/2007)
OPT Strict Scrutiny on Permits (2/15/2007)
Proposed Policy on Strict Scrutiny Under Preliminary Permits (2/2007)
FERC Technical Conference on Marine Renewables (12/2006)
Verdant Power Exemption (4/2006), (allowing developers to deploy projects w/out license for 18 months to test; no power sales allowed)
FERC Aqua Energy Order (2/2003) (asserting jurisdiction over marine renewables)
Fiscal Years 2009-2011 Studies Development Plan Alternative Energy- Enviromental Studies Still Required (2009)
Cost Analysis and Predictions of Amount of Ocean Energy on OCS – (5/8/09)
MMS Power Point Regulatory Framework (June 2009)
OREC Summary of MMS Regulatory Framework (06/10/2009)
MMS-OCS Renewable Energy Program Specifics (04/22/2009)
Offshore Wind Rule MLA Edits (04/22/2009)
MMS Ruling April 22, 2009
MMS NOPR Re: Proposed Regulations for Alternative Energy Development on OCS (July 2008)
Request for Lease Nominations/Comments on Interim Lease (Nov. 2007)
MMS EIS on Alternative Energy on OCS (1/2008)
MMS Challenge to FERC Jurisdiction over Wave Energy on OCS (2/2007)
Other Marine Energy Renewable Reports and Data, US
In 2007, avg. Kwh usage per month, residential usage was 936 Kwh- Annual Energy Outlook 2009
Pew Commission Report-Jobs Created by Renewables (May 2009)
Facilitating Hydrokinetic Energy Development Through Regulatory Innovation Commissioner Wellinghoff, James Peterson, David Morenoff (Energy Bar Journal Fall 2008)
Department of Energy Report to Congress, Energy Independence and Security Act (November 2008)(comprehensive review of marine renewables industry in US and overseas, including environmental concerns)
Power and Energy from the Ocean Energy Waves and Tides: A Primer, EPRI (5/2007)
North American Ocean Energy Status (3/2007)
Marine Energy Reports, International
BWEA- Why Marine?
BWEA Report by Redpoint Energy-Benefits of Marine Renewables (May 2009)
What is Needed for Marine Renewables in the UK
British Wind Energy Association Report 2008 on Jobs/Skills Gap
The impact of renewable energy policy on economic growth and employment in the European Union (April 2009)
World Wildlife Foundation Report: Renewable Energy Creates Jobs in Europe (June 2009)
IEA-OES Annual Report 2008 (released 2009)
UK Government: New RAB report assesses progress with developing wave and tidal stream power technologies – Summary/Press Release (2/2008)
UK: Marine Renewables: Current Status and Implications for R&D Funding and the Marine Renewables Deployment Fund (1/2008)
Scottish Road Map (Marine Renewables) May 2007
Report on Opportunities for Scottish Companies in Marine Renewables (12/2006)
Carbon Trust Marine Energy Paper, UK (Nov. 2006)
OREG: Canada’s Path Forward to Marine Renewables March 2006)
Economic Benefits of Marine Renewables, Ireland (Dec. 2005)
Public Acceptance of Marine Renewables in Europe (2003)
Lessons from Offshore Wind Energy (2003)
Berkeley Labs, Economic Benefits of Renewables
Offshore Aquaculture and Law