DOE Announces Funding for Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy
Research & Development
The Department of Energy announced that they will fund projects to advance marine and hydrokinetic (MHK) renewable energy technologies. Those topics receiving support from this funding announcement include:
Advanced Controls
Next-Gen Power Take-Off Projects
Advanced Structures Projects
Marine & Hydrokinetic Environmental Projects
Projects Analyzing Environmental Effects of Surrogate Technologies
Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition (OREC) members winning in this funding opportunity include Dehlsen Associates; Ocean Renewable Power Company; Resolute Marine Energy; Columbia Power Technologies; and, Ocean Power Technologies.
“The DOE Waterpower Program continues to provide the guidance and leadership required to bring this industry into responsible commercialization,” said Sean O’Neill, OREC’s president. “This further re-affirms that the companies with the foresight to work together on common goals through our coalition also have the business and technical prowess to win in these increasingly difficult competitions,” he added. ”We applaud the companies and the DOE leadership, program managers and technical staff on their efforts to provide for a brighter, cleaner future.”
MHK technologies, including wave, current and tidal technologies, have demonstrated continued progress and promise to create jobs and economic development; deliver clean, affordable and domestic energy to the U.S. grid; and, the potential to export marine and hydrokinetic renewable energy technologies.