The Ocean Renewable Energy Coalition is the only national trade association exclusively dedicated to promoting marine and hydrokinetic energy technologies from clean, renewable ocean resources. Our organization embraces a wide range of renewable technologies, including wave, tidal, current, offshore wind, ocean thermal, marine biomass and all other technologies that utilize renewable resources from oceans, tidal areas and other unimpounded water bodies to produce electricity, desalinized water, hydrogen, mariculture and other by products.
Founded in April of 2005, OREC has grown to over 40 members including technology developers, consultants, law firms, investor-owned utilities, publicly owned utilities, universities, and scientific and engineering firms. The coalition is working with industry leaders, academic scholars, and other interested NGO’s to encourage ocean renewable technologies and raise awareness of their vast potential to help secure an affordable, reliable, environmentally friendly energy future.
We seek a legislative and regulatory regime in the United States that fosters the development of ocean renewable technologies, their commercial development, and support in the race to capture the rich energy potential of our oceans. While other countries have already deployed viable, operating, power generating projects using the emission-free power of ocean waves, currents, and tidal forces, the U.S. is only beginning to acknowledge the importance these technologies. Located in the Washington D.C. area, OREC takes advantage of its close proximity to Congress, as well as regulatory agencies such as Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and Mineral Management Service to lobby effectively on behalf of the marine renewable industry and to participate in formation of regulatory policies that will expedite commercialization of new technologies and attract private investment and public support to this promising sector.
How does OREC operate?
OREC is a membership driven organization pursuing the priorities and goals of its members. Our bylaws are available here.
Members are consulted extensively regarding OREC’s proposed policy positions, and play a vital role in formulating our position on behalf of the marine renewables industry. Member support and participation have enabled our organization to secure Congressional appropriations for the marine renewable industry and to file more extensive comments in FERC and MMS regulatory proceedings.
Why join OREC?
The marine renewables industry stands on the cusp of commercialization in the United States. However, success depends upon the industry’s ability to speak and act with a unified voice to secure legislative and regulatory policies that will stimulate the emergence of a robust marine renewables industry. By joining OREC, you or your organization can play a direct role in building the marine renewables industry. Moreover, by working with OREC, you’ll gain access, and have an opportunity to build relationships with key industry players.