Global Marine Renewable Energy Conference Countdown – Profiles in Ocean Energy: Dr. Annette von Jouanne & Dr. Ted Brekken of OSU’s Wave Energy Program

Dr. Annette von Jouanne has been a professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Oregon State University since 1995. Professor von Jouanne specializes in Energy Systems, including power electronics and power systems. With a passion for renewables, she is leading the Wave Energy program at OSU along with Dr. Ted Brekken.

Dr. Ted Brekken is an assistant professor in Energy Systems in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Oregon State University. His research interests include control of renewable energy technology.

What changes have you noticed in the industry since the time that you began working in the field until now?

There is an ever-increasing awareness of the importance of renewable energy among students and the public.

What in your view are the greatest challenges to marine renewables at this time?

Permitting, economic support, and survivability.
The permitting process is still in flux, but should improve in clarity and brevity. It is important for marine renewables to receive financial benefits in the early years, including increased funding for research and development, as well as something similar to the PTC for wind or the Price-Anderson Act for nuclear. Lastly, the marine environment presents many survivability challenges. This will be reflected in the cost of energy.

What, if anything, makes the marine renewables industry different from other industries that you’ve worked with?

The industry is young and much fundamental work is yet to be done. The technology has not yet crystallized into a dominant paradigm; there are still many ideas of great diversity with no superior solutions yet established.

What do you find most exciting about the marine renewables industry?

Also see response to question 4. The opportunity to involve students in groundbreaking, multidisciplinary research that can have a positive impact on our energy future.

What, in your opinion, are the top two to three developments needed to bring marine renewables to commercialization?

Streamlined permitting, research funding opportunities and financial incentives, and improved device survivability.

What are your predictions for the marine renewables industry over the next 3-5 years?

Rapid growth and a period of strong sensitivity to failures and successes. If the industry can make it through this period, it will likely become robust and established.