OREC Secures Some Benefits for Ocean Energy in New Energy Bill…But Tax Credits Must Wait Until Next Year

On December 19, 2007, President Bush signed into law the Energy Act 2007. OREC played an instrumental role in securing important benefits for the ocean and marine renewable energy industry, including: * Authorizing $250 million for Research, Development, Demonstration and Commercial Application to Expand Marine and Hydrokinetic Renewable Energy Production. * Authorizing the Secretary of […]

OREC Offers Support, and Constructive Comments on FERC’s Conditional License Policy

In November 2007, the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission issued a Policy Statement announcing the Commission’s intent to issue conditional licenses for certain wave, tidal and hydrokinetic projects. The conditional license would enable FERC to approve the license, without waiting for other state and federal agencies to issue necessary authorizations. But the conditional license does not authorize any construction until […]